كبخ بلادي



August was an amazing month, I never run as much, sometimes I even ran two times a day. It was just happiness.

Check out the sum up below :

- 319 is the amount of kilometers I ran. (it's just the distance between Porto and Lisbon)

- 31 is the number of hours I spent running.

- 5'46"/km is my average pace (i.e 10,4 km/h).

- 26.261 is the total amount of calories I burnt ! This whole energy is equivalent to 210 bananas (about 30 kg of them).

- 21.797 of the overall calories is sugar (i.e 5,45 kg of sugar) and which is equivalent to 1090 pieces of sugar !!!

- and 4.464 of the overall calories is fat (i.e 500 grams of fat) which is equivalent to 600 grams of butter (or about half a liter of olive oil).

- and the last but not the least : 100% is the percentage of happiness I felt when I was running.

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