كبخ بلادي


Definitly YES !!! But I go run even so ! I don't care, I just need it !

Why is it so tough to exercise when it's warm outside ?
All of you know that practicing sports in warm weather is hardest. But why ?
Our body need to get colder to work perfectly (and to stay alive). That's why we sweat when we're exercising. So, body starts fighting against heat by sweating, by increasing the heart rate and therefore, it increases breathing as well. When it's warm that's physically more difficult to get rid of heat. So it's obvious that cooling down the body needs some energy. If you want to keep your same training level, you're going to feel a hardest effort just because you'll be sharing your strenght between exercise and struggle against heat.
Yes, all of you already know that doing two things at same time is difficult, and the body doesn't break this rule.

Let me add another explanation, not prooved at all but I think it's quite logic... So, when it's warm, air is more expanded and then it has less oxygen for a same volume breathed. So, it encourages a heavy breathing.

What's the risk ?

The risk ? You're asking me what's the risk ? Come on, the risk is death ! Wake up, open your eyes and face the reality !!! Risk is heat stroke, it can be fatal, adios, bye bye, au revoir, hasta la vista baby, see you in the other side !

I actually don't wanna die, so what can I do ?

Stay at home and play video games, you can also eat pizzas, drink soda and pray Jesus Christ to have a low cholesterol level ! Come one, spare me please!!! Sports are for men, not for kids ! Otherwise, you can eventually drink water often, wear a cap and take it easy !

Be smart for God's sake !

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