كبخ بلادي


A lot of people think that calories are the most important standard in diets. Maybe because it's really an easy way to quantify the energy value of what we're eating. But unfortunately it's a mistake. The Glycemic Index is a better notion to have an accurate value of what we have in the plate. But it's a notion more difficult to understand.
So, I'll take the bread as example all along this post.
- 100 gr of white bread = ~255 calories.
- 100 gr of wholemeal bread = ~240 calories.
As you can see, both have almost the same calorie value (the difference is not huge, about 4 gr).
If we believe these values, we could eat both without having a big difference. It's again a mistake ! You'll understand later...

You probably already know the 3 macro nutrients that we need to live : fatty acids (fat), proteins and Carbohydrates (sugar). So, the Glycemic Index measures effects of the carbohydrated food in blood sugar level. A food with high glycemic index releases a lot of sugar in blood streaming. So it increases the blood sugar level (hypergliceamia). This peak of hypergliceamia appears 30 min after taking food. Too much sugar in blood streaming is not really good for us, it could causes a lot of pathologies and even comas (cf : diabetes). So, thanks God, our body is fantastic (when it works lol), it will release an hormone, insulin, that allows the storage of this rascal sugar in the muscles and in the liver cells. But if this sugar level is really too much high, body must to store this sugar also in our fat cells (ass, hips, belly, breast... you know well where they are... lol) In these cells, sugar is transformed in fat.

Don't forget that insulin is a key which open cells door for sugar, if there is a lot of insulin in blood, it can causes a hypoglicaemia (due to an overstorage). This decrease of blood sugar level will make you hungry.... You understand what it means...
A food with a low glycemic index doesn't increase too much the sugar level because it doesn't release all his sugar. This notion is important. The whole sugar contained in food is not automatically taken by the organism. So, if the sugar level is balanced, you'll feel hungry more later (less calories, less fat storage)

Eating always high GI food means releasing too much insulin. This high rate of insulin in blood may causes a resistance to it by organism. It means that cells don't let enter sugar into them, leaving sugar in blood stream. This resistance is one of the indication of a type II diabetes.

see below a graph of GI :

Let me take again the bread example,
As we already saw above, those two type of bread have almost the same calorie value. But they definitely don't have the same glycemic index :
- white bread, GI = 90
- wholemeal bread, GI = 40
The maximum glycemic index is 100. So, white bread has a big GI, and wholemeal bread has a quite low GI. Now, you can notice that this two types of bread won't be absorbed in the same way. It also means that when we eat 100 gr of white bread we can eat 225 gr of wholemeal bread instead (for the same level of sugar absorbed). Eat more and keep in shape, doesn't it what a lot of people want ?

Keep in mind that :
- Taking low GI food reduces risks of type II diabetes.
- Taking low GI food helps you to control your hunger.
- Adding fibers, proteins or fat joined with carbohydrated food decrease the GI. So it's better to eat potatoes with a bit of olive oil than to eat them without nothing ! Incredible no ?
- Pasta too much done increases GI
- Rapid cooking rice have a high GI
- Beer has a GI of 100 !

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