كبخ بلادي



Here's my new goal : to run 5000 meters in at least 21 minutes !!! I don't forget marathon of course, it's my first objective, but I want to run small distances as well. I ran these 5 kilometers yesterday for the first time. Actually, it was a try for me with the aim to estimate my capacities in this distance. I ran it in 22'59"! I'm not really happy with the time but I'm satisfied since it's just a beginning and I know that I can progress and I WILL PROGRESS ! To reach 21 minutes I have to save 2 minutes, it's a lot !! It means running at an average speed of 14,29 km/h instead of 13,09 km/h ! That's just awesome for me !

I use to run 1h00 up to 1h45 so it's strange to go out for only a bit more than 20 minutes, it's really not much ! But believe me, the intensity of the run offsets the little time.

Since I want to increase my basic speed, I need to improve my aerobic capacities (it's all the process in which body get and use the oxygen). That's why I have to run faster on smallest distances. Then this aerobic improvment will allow me to run faster in all other distances (including marathon).

I know that I already promised you several times a post about interval training and I will do it, I keep my promises ! I will also explain better the aerobic process and the Vo2Max...

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