كبخ بلادي



Who never saw a guy doing sport with several layers of clothes and sweating like a Norwegian in a sauna only with the aim of losing weight ?
I even already saw specifics clothes created for that... Incredible !

Ok, you can remove this idea from your mind NOW! Sweating does NOT help anyone to lose weight, it's only an idée reçue ! Sweating is just the process in which the body get colder when it is in a hot environment or during a tough physical activity. When the sweat get out by the skin, it evaporates and allows the body to lose its heat and then it manages to get a balanced temperature (essential to survive). Actually, sweat is made of water, toxins and some mineral salts.

In fact, if you lose, for example, 2 liters of sweat after a hard training it's obvious that you have lost about 2 kilos of weight. But you've lost only water and you'll recover this weight after a normal rehydratation.
Encouraging the perspiration is not really a good idea because it means that your body is working too much heat than normal and it is releasing too much water and salt, it can be dangerous if you don't think about rehydrate often.

Then, if you want to lose some kilos forget the sweating technique. Do your sport with pleasure and safety, drink and be careful with the heat. To lose fat is another process, it's not so easy as just perspire. I'll try to explain that in a dedicate post as soon as possible.

Ok, now please take a shower and behave yourself !

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