كبخ بلادي

NEW RECORD !!!!!!!!!!

credit photo : maniacmiler18

Let's talk about sport... at last !!!
Don't think I've been only cooking these last times, no no I do workout more than ever ! Today, instead of my interval training workout I decided to test my M.A.S. (maximum aerobic speed) It's a reference speed for long distance runners. The percentage of it determine the different runners' paces. Paces which have to be sustained during races or during workouts depending the distance (80% of it for a marathon, 90% for a 10 km race).
Since few months I've been training my maximum aerobic capacities at a pace of 15km/h which is kind of good to my modest claims. But I never really determined it, I only estimated it with some scores I made on personal races. Then, today I wanted to make it accurate in order to sharpen my future workouts.
After a due warmup I ran around a 400 meters track during 6 minutes at my maximum pace. The process of this test requires that the pace has to be the more regular as possible and we have to finish completely exhausted and the heart rate at its maximum. The difficulty of this test is obviously to sustain a regular high effort during these 6 minutes. But why do we choose 6 minutes and not 5 or 7 ? Because it's proved by scientists that most of people is able to sustain a maximal aerobic effort during a maximum of 6 minutes. Beyond this time, the performance decreases a lot because the organism suffers the consequences of the anaerobic metabolism. The athlete can't continue the same effort because of his inner limitation of oxygen transportation and absorption. That's why the anaerobic metabolism increases in order to maintain the initial effort but only for a short moment until the effects of lactic acid stop the athlete (fatigue, burn sensation in muscles, tetany...)
So, in the end of the 6 minutes, we stop running and figure out the run distance. And now... ladies and gentlemen, I have the honour and privilege of informing that... this morning... I ran... a bit more than... 4 laps... that is... 1640 meters !!!! Héhé ! It means my M.A.S. is : 16,4 km/h (3'40"/km) which is, always to my modest claims, very very good ! Honestly I didn't expect that value ! I'm really happy ! It's 1,4 km/h more than my old M.A.S.

It's really really cool, finally I am a runner lol !! But it also means my future workouts will be more difficult ! lol

You can see below, the graph of my M.A.S test (the red line shows a pace of 15 km/h but it's because it isn't accurate in high speeds)

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