كبخ بلادي



A lot of people think that running can be quickly very boring. I guess it's because this sport might seem not too diversified or even not fun at all. Well, maybe it's not as fun as some other sports but it can be at least diversified.
To enjoy running we need first to find a personal motivation, it can be for a weight loss, for a well being state, for any health issues, for competition etc... And then, we have to set up a workout routine. It can be two times a week, three time or why not much more. But the important is to diversify this routine. Not just go out for a run and that's all. No no ! Because if you do that and if your motivation is not that strong you're gonna give it up quickly ! Sport is also psychology, your mind commands. Actually, isn't sport supposed to be a mix of entertainment, self transcendence, satisfaction, recreation, joy... ? Of course it is ! Then, if your running experience doesn't really match with those last words it's really normal that you'll give it up.
Ok, let me give you some advices :
- First, try to find the variables that you are able to change : the route, the distance, the speed, the duration, the moment of the day etc... Don't be concerned if you run only 15 minutes one day, you will run 30 or 45 min another day. And if you run slowly one day, try to run faster by intervals next time. Change the route, it'll allow you to see different landscapes and cross different people etc... work your imagination, you can do it ;)
- You can also take part in competions or set targets, this is a good motivation to keep training. Try targets of distance : "I want to run 20 km in 6 months". Targets of time : "I want to be able to run during at least 1h30". Target of speed "I want to do my route 2 minutes faster in the final of the month" etc...
- If you're not a misanthrope you can train in a running club or with some friends, it's motivating. A basic stamina pace allows you to talk easily, then you can run and gossip with your friends : two activities in one ! ;)

Well, now I'd like to show you my weekly workout routine as an exemple. I try to run as much as possible 5 days a week, and each workout is different. But if I can't it ain't a problem, 5 is a maximum, then if I run 3 times in a week I'm satisfied because it allows me to get a better recovery ! Keep in mind that sport is not an obligation, it just has to be part of your life as another activity no more no less. Don't feel guilty if you can't train one day but try to be regular though.
Ok, lets talk about my own weekly workout routine :

Monday, a 10 km workout. No speed target. I change the route often.

Tuesday, my favourite. It kills me but it's amazing. I did it today and it was euphoric and exhausting... ok I know today is Friday and not Tuesday lol... I'm just a bit behind schedule lol.
This is a specific speed workout. I do 3 or 4 intervals of 8 minutes (or more, it depends) at a high speed pace.

Wednesday, a little and slow workout in order to recover from the last one. 7 or 8 km.

Thursday, 2 solutions :
- a basic stamina workout of 12 km
- a long run of 1h30 up to 2h00 (16 km up to 20 km)

Friday or Saturday, a M.A.S workout. 7 or 8 intervals of 400 meters.
For this one I train at the stadium of my town for the accuracy of the athletics track. There are often other people training, I can feel the energy there. Stadiums are great sources of synergy, I like it.

Well, I hope you appreciated this post and of course I wish you don't see the running as a boring sport anymore ;)

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