كبخ بلادي



"Broa" is a typical Portuguese bread. It's mainly made of cornmeal or a blend of cornmeal and wheat flour. 

Ingredients :
- 250 cornmeal (white or yellow)
- 250 all purpose flour
- about 300 ml water (as a rough guide)
- 1,5 tsp salt
- 1,5 tsp dry yeast

Rehydrate the yeast in a bit of warm water (5 minutes)
Boil half of the water. 
Place the cornmeal in a large bowl and pour gradually the hot water on it, kneading until the cornmeal has absorbed completely the water. It must be soft but not too soaked. Here you have to use your feelings.
Then, add the wheat flour, the salt, the re-hydrated yeast and the remaining water (warm but not boiling hot). Knead for 10~15 minutes by hand (or use your food processor or bread maker).
Leave to rest for 1 hour covered in a warm place (it'll rise but less than a classic bread dough).

Remove the dough from the bowl and shape it into a round loaf on a floured oven tray (no need a second rise). Sprinkle with flour and place in a preheated oven (high heat) for about 30 minutes (no need steam).

The crust has to be brown/grey, thick, anarchically cracked and quite hard. The crumb is heavy (grey or yellow/grey according to the cornmeal color).

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