Most people don't make themselves their puff pastry, they rather buy factory-made ones. Of course it's easier and I confess that is very useful but I'm sure you've already noticed that these puff pastries are too thin or they don't even have butter into them. And often the final results are not really what you would've whished. Of course, making its own puff pastry is quite difficult but I really think it's worth it.
Basically you just need all purpose flour, water, a pinch of salt and butter ! But the secret is in the folds (that's the tricky part).
Basically you just need all purpose flour, water, a pinch of salt and butter ! But the secret is in the folds (that's the tricky part).
Then, blend 200 gr of all purpose flour with 100 gr of water and 5 gr of salt, knead well but not much, then put in the fridge wrapped in a cling wrap for at least 30 minutes. You'll need 100 gr of keaned butter (kneaded butter : just mix the soft butter with 50 gr of flour) Then shape it like a square and put in the fridge.
The dough and the butter should have the same texture (not too thick neither too soft but better thick than soft, complicated huh ?!), then remove them from the fridge some minutes before starting the folding. Be careful with the room temperature, too warm and the butter will melt too fast and can get out of the dough, this can prevent the creation of the layers (and it's not what we want) !!!
The dough and the butter should have the same texture (not too thick neither too soft but better thick than soft, complicated huh ?!), then remove them from the fridge some minutes before starting the folding. Be careful with the room temperature, too warm and the butter will melt too fast and can get out of the dough, this can prevent the creation of the layers (and it's not what we want) !!!
I took some pictures but I forgot some steps, I'm sorry for that.
Then, put down the kneaded butter in the middle of the cross (both must have the same texture)...
then close it...
roll it out...
and fold it in three like a letter...
COngratulation, you just made the first folding (3 layers of butter). Ok, only 5 five foldings to go ! Now, give a quarter turn to the right, you must see the layers in front of you. Make the second folding, roll out the dough and fold in three (always like a letter). Now that you made the second folding, the dough have to rest in the fridge 30 minutes (in a cling wrap)!!! I know it's boring but it's necessary. The layers of dough and butter have absolutely to cool down. Otherwise the dough can rip up and the butter can escape from the dough.
Ok, 30 minutes later, always with the layers in front of you, give the dough another 2 foldings, then put in the fridge to rest another 30 minutes. At this moment your dough has 4 foldings (81 layers !!!) 30 minutes later give the last 2 foldings (730 layers).

When you've reached the 6 foldings, the puff pastry is done and has more than 700 layers ! Last step, let rest it 30 minutes at least in the fridge and then, you can roll it out one last time, ready to use !
I know the explanation is not super clear (it misses some pictures) but if you have some doubts, feel free to post a comment.
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