كبخ بلادي


Ice cream quenelle is so classy ;)

What to do with remaining egg-yolks ? An ice cream of course ! An exotic one actually, a passion fruit and coconut ice cream.

Ingredients : 
- 20 cl cold cream
- 25 cl passion fruit pulp (canned or from fresh fruits)
- 25 cl coconut cream (or coconut milk)
- 5 egg yolks
- 40 gr sugar
- Cooked sugar (30 gr sugar, 2 tbsp water, 1 tbsp lemon juice)
- 2 gelatin sheets (here I use the gelatin as a stabilizer and emulsifier)

Hydrate the sheets of gelatin in very cold water.
Prepare the cooked sugar : heat up 30 gr sugar, water and lemon juice in a saucepan, cook until 110°C/230°F. Then add immediately the coconut milk and the passion fruit pulp (previously mixed in a blender). Bring to the boil. (you can skip the cooked sugar step, so heat up directly coconut and passion fruit mixture)

Coconut cream is common in France. The passion fruit canned not so much...

Meanwhile, beat 40 gr sugar (+ 30 gr if you didn't do the cooked sugar) with the yolks until light and fluffy. Pour the hot passion fruit/coconut mixture in the yolks and turn it back over the heat, keep stirring and cook until it reaches 85°C/185°F or when the mixture coats the spatula. Leave to rest out of the heat for 5 minutes and add the gelatin sheets, stir until well dissolved. 
Leave to cool down.

when the cream coats the spatula you can stop the heat...

When the mixture reaches 35°C/95°F or when it almost reaches the room temperature, whip the cream until it forms peaks. Fold the whipped cream into the previous mixture. Pour in a container and place it in the freezer. Don't forget to mix or whip the ice cream every 30 minutes for 3 or 4 times (it prevent the ice crystals)...

fold the whipped cream only when the mixture reaches the room temperature...

...Or you can refrigerate it and when cold use your ice cream maker.
Take out the ice cream of the freezer at least 15~20 minutes before serving.

passion fruit and coconut combine quite well...

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