كبخ بلادي


Homemade creamy fresh cheeses flavored with raisins, sesame seeds, pepper, chorizo and roasted hazelnuts.

Makes 5 small cheeses,

Ingredients :
- 1 liter whole milk (cow or goat)
- 20 cl cream
- 10 gr milk serum, from another production of cheese or 50 gr fresh cheese. This step is for the lactic fermentation.
- 5 drops rennet (in pharmacy)
- salt 

If you use the milk serum, join it to the milk and allow to rest 2 hours...

Then add the cream. Notice that is optional, I just like the cheese more creamy.

I found rennet in a liquid form in the pharmacy (In France it's called présure)...

Heat up the milk to 30°C/86°F, then add 5 drops of rennet, stir delicately. Then leave it to curdle covered with a cloth for 24 to 48 hours. In my case it was more 48 hours, I don't know why, probably because of the milk quality or the temperature. Anyway, you have to test this step.

When the milk is curdled, apply some cuts with a knife to release the milk serum (whey). Allow to rest 1 more hour.

Pour the curds in a sieve covered with gauze or a cheesecloth so the whey will drain out.  Allow to drain 6 to 12 hours. You can keep and freeze some of the whey to make more cheese later (to ferment the milk).   

Put the cheese in small strainers. Sprinkle the top with salt, then allow them to drain 24 to 48 more hours. 

When you reach the right texture, not too soft but still a little bit sticky (here I should have let them drain more time) then sprinkle with a little bit more salt and you can roll them in what you like just as spices, raisins, nuts, garlic and herbs, seeds etc... Place in the fridge until the service.

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