كبخ بلادي


Vanilla ice cream (with ice cream maker)

Ingredients :
- 400 gr milk
- 200 gr cold cream
- 4 egg-yolks
- 80 gr sugar
- 45 gr powdered milk
- 40 gr glucose
- 15 gr honey (acacia)
- 1 level tsp E410 (optional)
- 1 tsp vanilla (powder)

In a large pan, gather the milk, glucose, honey and the vanilla. Bring to boil.

Meanwhile, beat the yolks with the sugar in a large bowl. Then add the E410 and the powdered milk, beat to homogenize.

When the milk is warm, pour it over the previous mixture, whip well until homogeneous. Pour back in the pan...

Cook over gentle heat until it reaches 82°C/180°F, stirring all the time. Pour right away in a clean bowl (through a sieve). Refrigerate right away. It has to reach the fridge temperature to achieve the pasteurization. 

When the vanilla mixture is at good temperature, whip the cream in a very cold bowl.

Fold it delicately into the vanilla mixture.

When homogeneous, pour in the ice cream maker. When done pour in a container and reserve 2 more hours in the freezer before to serve.

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