كبخ بلادي



Another version of the Tropézienne, here with roasted cherries with kirsch, a cherry sorbet, and some meringues.

Makes 6 servings,

The Brioche :
- 75 gr flour
- 45 gr whole egg
- 30 gr butter (softened)
- 12 gr sugar
- 3 gr yeast
- 1/2 tsp salt
- pearl sugar

In a large bowl, blend all the ingredients except the butter and the pearl sugar.

Then knead 5 minutes until the dough gain strengths...

Add the butter and keep kneading for 5 to 10 minutes. Allow to rise at room temperature for 1 hour. Then punch the dough and place in the fridge over the night (cover with plastic film).

The day after, remove the dough from the fridge and cut into 6 pieces. Shape balls.

Then shape a torus (ie a donut hehe). Allow to rise 1 to 2 hours (according the temperature)

Egg wash and sprinkle them with pearl sugar.

Place in a preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes (high heat). Reserve.

The Meringue Sticks :
- 1 egg-white
- 60 to 70 gr sugar

This step can be done the day before.
Beat the egg white until stiff then add the sugar in 2 times, always beating.

When the meringue is done place it in a pastry bag and pipe it 5 mm thick over an oven tray covered with baking paper. Bake in oven for 2 hours at 90°C. Keep them in an hermetic container.

The Roasted Cherries :
- 100 gr cherries (without core)
- 10 gr sugar
- juice of 1/2 lemon
- 15 gr kirsch

Roast the cherries with the sugar and the lemon juice...

When they are soft, take them out of the frying pan but let the juice. Add the kirsch and keep cooking until you get the texture of a syrup. Pour this syrup on the cherries.

The Tropézienne Cream :
Since the real tropézienne cream is still a secret I made a vanilla mousseline cream mixed with whipped cream.
- 125 gr milk
- 30 gr sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 8 gr flour
- 5 gr starch
- 1/2 powdered vanilla
- 2 gr gelatin (1 sheet)
- 60 gr butter (softened)
- 125 gr cold cream

Hydrate the gelatin in cold water.
In a large bowl, beat the yolks with the sugar. Then add the flours, beat again.

Heat up the milk in a pan, when it starts to boil pour it over the yolks mixture. Whip until homogeneous.

Then pour this mixture back in the pan and cook until it thickens (always beating).

Add the gelatin out of the heat, then the vanilla. Pour the cream in a large container and place right away in the fridge for 1 hour.

When the cream is cold, beat it to get it soft.

Meanwhile whip the butter until fluffy...

When the cream is at the same temperature as the butter then whip them together, in 2 or 3 times.

Whip the cream in a very cold bowl...

Fold it delicately into the previous mixture in 2 or 3 times. Reserve in a pastry bag...

The Assembly :
- Cherry sorbet (see recipe here : click!)

Cut the brioche in 2. Brush it with a syrup made of 30 gr water, 15 gr sugar and 15 gr kirsch. Apply a generous layer of cream.

And cover with the other half...

Place a tropézienne in a large plate, sprinkle it with icing sugar if you want. Put some roasted cherries in the hole. Arrange some more roasted cherries next to the tropézienne.

Then put a scoop of cherry sorbet over the tropézienne, decorate with some sticks of meringues. Serve right away.

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