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Since I run, sport brings me hunger ! I'm always starved ! lol

More seriously, as I already said, running is currently my favourite sport and I try do run at least 50 km (31 mi) per week. I also practice body building, it's not really the same feelings but I like it as well.

Running brings me a feeling of well-being and not only when I exercise but even during all day. I feel more energy mentally as physically. And without any doubts it raises self-esteem. When I did my first 30km race (18,94 mi) it was incredible, I felt really stronger although I never thought I was capable of doing that. Just after the race, in my mind I felt that I could do anything, it was a really strong emotion.
And you know, sport is a real philosophy, it shows us how to surpass ourself, supporting pain, working out hard, being patient and keeping in mind the goal ! It's like life actually ! ;)

Do you know this latin locution : "anima sana in corpore sano" ? It means a sound mind in a sound body. For me, sport helps to reach that. (it's not the only way of course...)

Doing an analogy with this blog, yes it's true, I'm always starved ! But I have a most balanced feeding than ever. Exercising allows me to eat without thinking about my shape, however I eat rationnaly because I learnt how body works and how can I have a good feeding.

I conclude this post by a sentence I like from Hippocrates (modern medicine's father) : "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food."

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