كبخ بلادي


Yes, I have some advices if you want to start running. Starting out a sport asks for some precautions :

My health : First thing to do : visit your doctor in order to know if there is a contraindication in practicing this sport. Practicing sports is good but you can't continue exercising if you die during a training...

My heart : heart is our main engine. It's important to not run in overdrive. So if you are beginner I guess it's important to invest in a heart rate monitor. Then, with it you can control perfectly your engine and stay in a soft zone. Then you'll be able to improve yourself in complete safety.

My weight : if you are in overweight it's better to start another sport because running is deleterious for the articulations. An overweight increases this risk. So, it might be a good solution to make a loss weight diet first and to practice instead swimming, cycling, walking, spinning etc... When you'll get back in shape you'll be able to start running.

My feeding : "what should I eat when I exercise".

My shoes : Running is a specific sport and like all other sports it needs adequate footwear. To be comfortable and to start up your sport in the better way you ought to buy specific running shoes (not fashion shoes neither basket shoes). These ones will protect you from the repeated impacts. Notice that your articulations will support about 4 times  your body weight, as you can see footwear is very important. 

My sport background : If you already practice another sport you probably won't feel too much difficulty in doing your next running sessions. You'll just need to adapt your body to this new activity. If your sport background is near of the nothingness, you must to begin more than slowly (read below)

My route : I think it's good to start running in a little loop around a lake or in a park. So you can perfectly control the distance you want to run and if you feel tired it's better to stop on the middle of a loop than far of your house. Try to find a route with soft ground (better for articulations).

My speed : If you're sedentary, you probably will run and walk during your first sessions, actually it's the better way to start this sport (ex : run 30 seconds and walk for 30 seconds). You'll progress quickly but you must to run slowly always ! Even if you feel that's too much slow. Only when you'll get a good level you'll can introduce some speed trainings. 75% up to 80% time of a non beginner training is made of a slow pace.

My first run : your first run will be a test workout. Try to feel your body resistance, notice the time you're able to run without stopping and then next time you'll be able to create a structured workout (distance, time etc...) Don't be sad if your first training lasts only 10 minutes ! Keep your motivation and above all keep your pleasure (it's probably the most important thing). Believe me you'll progress quickly ! Marathon is not so far of you...

My after workout : finish your workout slowly (walking) to calm down your body. Do some stretching exercises. Drink water.

My weekly trainings : At the beginning 2 times a week. You MUST let your body recover and fit in this new activity, then rest and eat well. Running every day IS A NONSENSE for a beginner. When you'll feel easiness, 3 times is a minimum to progress and to increase your physical condition. 4 times and plus if you want to do competition.

Hope you liked these advices and give you the motivation to start running. I'm sure you can do it !

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