كبخ بلادي



Here comes a new challenge freely inspired by Helder with his promising blog *faster by bike (not so much inspired but rather completely plagiarized...)
Yes, it's interesting to have in mind that our cities are not so wide than we could think and then we could possibly go faster than the bus using bikes, while running or even with another alternative natural transportation.
So, today morning I tried to challenge the bus between my place and the next town.
From the nearest bus stop of my house the bus has a route of about 3,65 km. For me I chose the shortest route I could find, a bit smaller which is about 3,02 km.

I'm proud to tell that I beat the bus !!!!!! Yes, I covered the whole route in 12 minutes and 59 seconds and the poor little bus just covered it in 14 endless minutes ! Isn't that incredible ?
I beat the bus, yeah !!!!!!

It was really a good challenge and I think in big cities like Paris or London it could be even more interesting ! So, I have only one advice for you, take your bike or put your running shoes and go out to beat the bus, subway, cabs, trains, planes... :D  
Move fast and let us be megalomaniacs !!! ;)

the technical information from the race

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