كبخ بلادي


Long runs are important for long-distance runners because they improve stamina. That's why they have to be run slowly. The length of a long run depends on the race distance prepared :
- 10 km : 1h15 ~ 1h30
- half-marathon : 1h30 ~1h45
- marathon : 2h15 ~ 2h45
(These lengths are only averages, they can be easily changed depending on the athlete level)

I like to do different distances, one week I run 16 km, the other 18 km (sometimes 20 km). This season I'd like to insert some 25 km runs (2h20' ~ 2h25').

my long run workout with up hills

Ok, I notice that I'm talking too much about sports, I must to refocus this blog and have a little respect for its title... Then I'd like to make a Trianon, a fabulous (and unbelievable) three layers french chocolate cake... but complicated to do... Now I just have to find energy...

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