كبخ بلادي



This week I want to show you another example of interval training but this time based on M.A.S. (maximum aerobic speed).
So, I ran 5 intervals of 400 m at my maximum aerobic speed (around 15 km/h) that is about 1'36" per interval and about 1'00" up to 1'30" of recovery (walking). The aim of this workout is to reach my maximum consumption of oxygen during a few minutes in order to increase it.

The red line on the graph below is a smoothing of the raw data (gray line), this last one shows the real pace, a speed around 15 km/h in each interval but I guess it's underestimated. (when I run faster my measure system usually underestimates distance and speed). The two last intervals were really tough. I really need a more accurate system to measure my speed because I think that I ran them too fast.

Soon I have to test myself on a 10 km distance in order to notice if my trainings are really effective. Anyway, it's so good to feel the speed and the heart beating very fast !!

the graph of my workout

The stadium where I do interval training

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