كبخ بلادي


Once a week I try to do a workout based on interval training.

As I already spoke about that, I guess I have to show you a practical example. This speed session called "treshold" isn't to work the maximum aerobic capacities. That's why I ran 3 intervals of 1600 meters at almost 13 km/h (instead of 15km/h in shorter intervals, 200 m or 400 m). I ran at about 85% of my maximum aerobic speed. This kind of training allows the athlete to postpone effects of lactic acid*. This acid is generated by our muscles and in huge quantities it stops our efforts due to a fatigue and burn sensation. Then, this training learn the athlete how to sustain a higher effort level during long runs.

We call it "treshold" because it's a balanced effort level in terms of low production of acid lactic and better oxygen consumption. Beyond this effort level, body generate much more acid lactic and the exercise won't go on for a long time. I spoke about a percentage of 85% above, this percentage is important because it matches pretty much this treshold.

The active recovery after each intervals is important because it allows to get rid of a part of the acid lactic stored in the muscles. At the end of this workout we have handled easily more acid lactic than if we should ran without intervals.

I really liked this workout but I need a Heart Rate Monitor to do it better !!! What ?! I am a sporty geek ??? Ok ok I know that I don't need to carry a computer on my back to manage to run but I'm a man and men like this kind of stuffs !! ;)

*About acid lactic : muscles are always generating acid lactic but in presence of oxygen this acid is recycled in real time and then it is never stored up. When body do a big or long effort, it will face a lack of oxygen. Then, the acid lactic can't be recycled as fast as it is produced and that's why we have a strong breath (because body wants to find more oxygen). A deepest breath during sports shows athlete that he is in lack of oxygen, normal if you are a 100 meters runner, a footballer or a bicycle sprinter, not really normal if you're a long-distance runner.

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