كبخ بلادي



When people start training a bit more seriously, they end up thinking about races. It's a natural step and a good way to know their own level, to keep their motivation up and to improve themselves.
I'm not addicted to organized races but I have to confess that I already thought about it. In fact I never took part in any one. I guess I don't really need it. If I want to run, I basically put my shoes on, dress simple clothes, and I go out to run... very easy ! I'm not worried about official chronometer and competitive spirit. I know that I'm not a good runner, and so what ? Who cares ? I don't care ! I like to run so I run, I have nothing to prove.
Actually, I like to watch the marathon on tv but when I see those 40.000 runners running at the same time the ones behind the others, I'm not really excited by that ! In my world, run means liberty and vast spaces.
But it's true that I have dreams of some special races ! In my mind they mix the pleasure of exploring new spaces and the pleasure of running. And sometimes it's good to share it with other passionate people. Well, I'm thinking about Lisbon marathon, because Portugal is a very special country for me and come on it's the only way to run in the middle of streets, héhé ! I'm also dreaming about New York Marathon because it's one of the most mythical races ! By the way, I was in New York during the half-marathon and the atmosphere was incredible, all that crowd on the sidewalks shouting and encouraging the athletes, I wish I was one of these runners ! I never saw that anywhere, Awesome !
And I have a last special one : since I went to Oslo and I saw this video from my cousin Helder, I stayed fascinated by the midnight sun. Then, I really would like to run the Tromso Midnight Sun Marathon ! I just want to run there and see with my own eyes that the sun never sets ! But before I have to ask chinese government how to disable clouds... just to be sure... ;)

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