كبخ بلادي



"In the world of running, staying a turtle or a nail is not inevitable"

According to my humble experience and also to what I've been reading on specialized running forums I'm going to tell you how to run faster. Of course you will not run like a Usain Bolt or even like a Haile Gebrselassie but I'm sure you will improve your pace !
First I have to say that only time will allow you to run faster and when I talk about time I obviously talk also about regularity !
Athletes experience shows us that the maximum consumption of oxygen (Vo2max) can be improved to a maximum of 20%. It means that you are potencially able to run 20% faster than your inicial level. Increasing the Vo2max is not necessarily the first parameter to be improved but it's important though. For me the first parameter to improve is the resistance that is the "stamina of strength". Of course the basic stamina could be this first parameter because it gives you the foundations to run during long time and long distances. Anyway the stamina must be the main pace in your workout routine (75% up to 80%). As I said it could be the first parameter to improve but no ! The truth is if you run always at the speed matching your stamina pace you'll never run faster. In fact you will just developping this speed ability, your body will learn how to run better at this pace and only this pace. Of course after months you'll notice that you'll be running a bit faster than the beginning but this will stagnate inevitably. Some people even see their speed decreasing after this level of stagnation.
- What is resistance (or stamina of strength) ? Resistance is a higher effort you make while running. You can feel it by a stronger breath, a higher heart rate and a feeling of discomfort after several minutes (more or less fatigue and pain). And of course it means also a higher speed ! If you're used to train since a few time I can say you are already able to run faster ! Héhé what do you think about that huh ?! Of course you are, but the problem is not there. The problem is you to sustain this pace longer. Because the point is there : sustaining a speed longer !
- how to do that and why ? If you train a specific pace your body will adapt to this new speed, that is your cardiovascular system and muscles will change and improve their capacities. It also means that your stamina pace will take advantage of these new capacities then you'll run faster than before with the same seeming efforts. So you understand that if you want to run faster you have to run faster, but of course you can't do that in an anarchic way. First, "running faster" doesn't mean sprinting, you have to choose a speed a bit higher than your stamina speed, in fact you have to feel a light discomfort after several minutes. For exemple if you're used to run at a speed of 8 km/h then try to run at 9,5 or 10 km/h (but not at 14 or 15 because it's too much and you'll risk some injuries). Listen to your sensations, choose a breath barely stronger but you have to feel a difference though. Now that you have your resistance pace you have to know how to apply it. You can build a structured workout (interval training) or just do it according to your feelings (fartlek). If you have a stopwatch you can include, for example, 3 intervals of 7 minutes into one of your workouts and then set 2 minutes of recovery (low speed) between each intervals. Following your improvements you'll increase the time of your intervals (8 min, 9... up to 15), the number of them etc... In the other hand the fartleck is a kind of workout where you do some accelerations without rules, it's when you want, where you want, the distance you want, it's freedom.

If you do that regularly (try once a week), you'll see your speed will increase and you'll feel more and more easyness in your intervals. You will know how to set a new resistance pace and a new workout routine because you'll be able to understand your body !
But don't forget to give priority to a low speed during your workouts in order to prevent any fatigue and injuries.

After that, if you are motivated and want to optimize your performances, you can train your Vo2max (short intervals and very high speed), choose specific paces to train (marathon, half marathon, 10 km races etc...) But keep in mind that's another world...

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