كبخ بلادي


All of us have a mind (specially you dear readers of Pastry & Sports). And all of us have emotions as well. And sometimes emotions are stronger than mind and this is not really good if you want to practice a sport in a regular way.

I don't know if I can use this following french phrase : "better is the enemy of good" but I just want it to illustrate what I'm going to tell. It's admited that sport is very healthy for body and mind. Unfortunately, emotions can be the enemy of your sport experience. Sport is only healthy if we practice it regularly and the problem is that many people start exercising for a while and then give up. I think it's probably because their brand new activity is not felt as a habit. And you understand that if it's not a habit, then it's certainly a temporary activity. The aim of temporary activities is to end in, that's why a lot of people give up inevitably their sport whims.

Then, why "All or Nothing" ? Because we cannot attach too much importance to our emotions ! When we start a new sport, we often set up a plan (ex : swimming 3 times a week) Following this plan seems to be very important, it allows people to keep motivated. Plus, achieving perfectly this routine is like a victory. Now, what if we miss a planned workout ? What if we feel tired after work or if we have a meeting late the day we wanted to workout ? A lot of things can happen and make us miss a workout. Be careful, missing a workout and feeling guilty for that is the beginning of the end ! Many people apply unconsciously the "all or nothing psychology". Just because they can't complete their whole plan, they feel defeated and so they just give up reducing progressively the workouts to ashes. All this means that it's their emotions which are controling their sporty activity instead their mind.

You understand that we can't plan a strict routine as we can't feel guilty either if we miss a workout. Have you ever felt guilty when you didn't do the cleaning or didn't go shopping ? And did you leave these activities behind for all that ? Of course not ! Then sport is all the same, you just have to include it into your habits, it has to be a part of your life just like cleaning house, making love, going to the movies, paying your f*cking taxes, preparing dinner, telling the kids bedtime stories, etc...

Try to do good not better, "better is the enemy of good".

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