كبخ بلادي



First, thanks to Easy Runner for this topic idea. Actually, this question is probably the one that divide the most the runner community.
A lot of people want to work out on an empty stomach in order to lose weight more efficiently. Some others think that running in this way is good to prepare their body to very long distance races like the marathon. And finally there're also people who don't care but they just can't eat before training because they train early on the morning, then eating is quite difficult due to the possible digestion problems during the workout (stomach cramps...). Obviously, plenty of runners will tell you that running like this is very dangerous because of the hypoglicaemia consequences (risks of dizziness or even fainting) and also because we can face a lack of performance.

In fact, after sleeping our carbohydrates stores are low so is our insulin rate. Insulin is an inhibitor of the lipolysis, which is the release of fatty acids on the blood stream. On the opposite a low rate of insulin stimulates this lipolysis. That's why people think they can burn more calories from fat. Actually, a study plublished on the International Journal of Sports Medicine proves it but it works above 30 minutes of exercise. However, the study adds that the difference between eating or not is quite small.
Getting our body used to train like this allows a better support of the final part of long races when our carbohydrates stores are exhausted. Then, the body "knows" how to use more efficiently the energy coming from fat.

I read a lot of things about this practice issue on running forums and what I noticed is there're a lot of people who train without ever eating before running and they never have problems. On the other hand, there're also a lot of runner who can't run if they don't eat, so they quickly feel dizziness or a lack of energy. As it happens, some people just can do it and some others don't. I guess it probably depends on each metabolism. DNA is unfair isn't it ?! lol

In my case, I run all my workouts on an empty stomach, and I never had problems. But sometimes I happen to run on the afternoon and I have to admit that I feel more energy and easyness but I also feel heavier because of a feeling of discomfort in my stomach.

If you want to lose some weight or prepare a long distance race, then you can run on an empty stomach but you have to try gently first in order to notice if you can support it or not. Why don't you try once a week to begin ?!

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