كبخ بلادي



Please tell me why am I making always the same mistakes ? I guess sport is really not an activity easy to deal with !
I've been doing bodybuilding since few years yet. What ? You don't believe me ? Ok, I know it's not that clear when you're staring at me but I swear I really do lol ! I began in a weights room but after a while I gave it up because of a little lack of motivation. Months after I started again but this time at home. Then, I tried several routines, several exercices and quite often I suffered injuries, mainly tendinitis and so once again I gave it up.
We can always copy routines found on some specific sites and apply their advices but after a while we must adapt these ones to our body behaviours, to our sensations and capacities. So, we have no choice but to test several routines to find out THE ROUTINE ! In reality it's good to change this one from time to time in order to restimulate the muscles, but always fitting our capacities. Then I guess I finally found THE ONE, the routine that match perfectly with me, my bodybuilding Holy Grail !
Then, I had the great idea to train everyday but only one muscular group per day and doing only one exercise. Ex : I train shoulders doing 6 sets of lateral and frontal raises. In this way I'm able to work much more the intensity without too much fatigue and risks of injuries. I really like this training because it lasts only 15 minutes (warmup + 6 or 7 sets). We all have 15 minutes to train in a day. And for the mind it's good because we know that we will train hard but only for 15 minutes and not for 1 hour or more, that makes a big difference for the mind ! Of course I sometimes take a day in the week for a due rest.
It's the perfect workout for me but...

...But it's not so simple, I have always the same annoying problem, when I find a good routine I have to spoil it with my stupid mistakes. The problem is when I feel easyness I can't wait without increasing the number of sets, the weights, and also the number of repetitions. I finally end up by training almost half a hour. I only know I'm doing bad when I'm not able to complete some sets I used to finish, and as well when I postpone too many times my workouts, probably because I'm not really excited by them anymore. Yes, you guess well, it's the unhappy signal of an overtraining !

I don't want to go on like this anymore, then I'm back to basics, I came back to my initial routine, only 6 or 7 sets no more, a good balance between intensity and resistance, I increase weights of course but not too fast. And obviously 15 minutes no more !!!!

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