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In a society where thinness is an absolute reference, there are more and more fat or even obese people. I think there's too much information about diets : a truth one day, a lie the next day, then people don't know how to do anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying thinness has to be the reference, I rather think that it's not a reference. Thinness is only a picture of our consumption society led by a selfish social success and also shallowness, yes yes shallowness, don't be blind !
Ok, well, hum... let me calm down, today the point is not there, today I just want to talk about a doubt : does sport really make lose weight or not ? Who never heard : "sport is good to get physically fit", "sport makes you lose weight but only if you exercise more than 45 minutes", or even "no, sport can't make you lose weight" then, were's the truth ?

In fact, what makes you lose weight is a caloric deficit !

- How does it work ?
It's quite simple. Our body needs some amount of calories in order to work well and for that we give him, through feeding, the calories it needs. If the amount of calories you give to him is lower than the calories it needs, then you'll be in caloric deficit ! On the other hand if you give him more than it needs then it'll stock this excess (into a fat form).

- How our body can deal with this deficit and can it stay healthy even so ?
Our body is amazing, therefore of course it can deal perfectly with a caloric deficit. It'll look for what it needs in our inner stocks (fat and proteins). When these stocks are decreasing it means you're losing weight. Obviously our body is only able to bear this lack of calories without health issues for a while and also if the deficit ain't too important. Then let's get smart, we die if we don't eat enough (cf. life principle, dahaa) !

- How to get this caloric deficit ?
Bad news, we cannot buy one ;) Well, you already know now that there are only 2 variables we can handle to get this deficit :
1) the amount of calories we take.
2) the amount of calories we need.
Then, we can reduce the calories from our feeding but we also can increase our needs doing more physical efforts during the day. We can even do both of them but please do it with cleverness. As you can see, if you do exercise and in the same time you don't change your calories intake, you'll lose weight. But if you increase your energy expenditure and you eat more than before, then you won't lose nothing you'll just be balanced. And that's the point, no caloric deficit no weight loss ! You can do all the exercise you want, if you cover all your energy expenditure through your feeding, believe me, nothing will happen.
That's why sport can't make you lose weight just by itself.

- But why sport is a good help though ?
When you begin a weight loss diet, mainly by reduction of calories amount, you can feel sometimes hunger or a strong need to eat. This sensation is a dangerous enemy of your weight loss project. We are humans, we need to eat, struggling this feeling is against nature that's why we have to be strongs to respect the diet plan, otherwise we throw ourselves on food and most often on bad things full of sugar and fat. In fact, we feel hunger because of the blood sugar level. When this level is low, our body let us feel hunger in order to eat. Then if we don't eat at this moment, the body is able to transform fatty acids in sugar, it takes what it needs in our own inner stocks and then we naturally lose weight. But you have to understand that if we don't eat, the hunger feeling will be more and more stronger, it's not easy to bear it ! As you can see, to use the stocked fat our body have to pass through a fall of the blood sugar level and a possible hunger sensation. Then what ? Then, what if I tell you that we can burn more fat without this uncomfortable hunger feeling ? This solution is called SPORT ! Yes and specially cardio exercises like biking, running or even fitness. Why ? Because when you do this kind of sports (soft effort and long time) your body is using sugar of course but also fat. And despite what some tell, we burn fat since the first seconds of training, a low rate at the beginning but this rate increase with the time of training. So, after a workout we burnt sugar and fat. Of course we have to eat after that and the sugar stock will be replaced inevitably but the fat stock not necessarily. If we respect the diet plan, we will only fill up our muscles and liver sugar stocks (stocks exhausted by exercise) and not our fat stock because this one mainly comes from the transformation of the sugar excess in our body and in this case, the existing excess after a meal won't replace the fat stock which has burnt but as I said, do replace the muscles and liver sugar stock.

Therefore, burning only sugar or both sugar and fat makes a big difference. In the first case, you have to feel starvation to use a little amount of fat and then lose weight, in the second case you will use directly much more fat during sport and that, with a blood sugar level more balanced, it means less hunger sensation just because the lack of fat doesn't create any uncomfortable feeling and lack of sugar does !

You will have understood that I'm talking about weight loss in a health view or in a sport performance view. Hope you appreciated this post.

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