كبخ بلادي



Hello dear readers, today I did my first maximum aerobic capacity workout since I set up my new pace (3'40"/km ; 16,4 km/h) then I'd just like to share quickly how I handled it.
The truth is before the beginning of this workout I had some fears because there's a real big difference between this new pace and my old one (4'00"/km i.e 15km/h). In this workout I have to run several laps of 400 meters. Before, I ran 8 laps at 15 km/h in 1'36" each of them and now I have to run them in 1'28", it's 8 seconds of difference. That doesn't seem huge but believe me 8 seconds on this level of pace and over those 400 meters that's really huge. Then, I didn't know if I would able to run each interval as regular as possible and also if I'd finally appreciate this workout.
The first thing I have to say is it was very tough, very very tough and right since the first lap !!! And of course I had to reduce the numbers of laps down to 6. The big difference with before is my breath, now it's strong from the beginning of each interval and clearly almost at its maximum in the end. I also have to struggle to sustain the speed, before not really, I kind of felt easyness. About the recovery intervals (60 seconds) I feel they are really too short now lol.

See below the graph of my workout : 6 laps of 400 m at about 16,4 km/h.

Well, I actually do appreciated this workout, in the end of it I really felt strong even if exhausted (weird feeling). And soon I'll add another laps but for the moment I have to let the time do what it has to do...

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