كبخ بلادي


I had to try it one day then I did it today, bread for hamburgers... Unfortunately I didn't have the sesame seeds to put on the top, maybe next time.
I also made a secret sauce which is... secret !!! What ? Hey, you have to deserve it my friends. Ok, ok, I'll give you the recipie very soon.
I'm sorry, the pictures aren't very good, but you know it's the problem with culinary photographs, either you try to do great pictures and you have to eat cold or you do worthless photographs and you can make the most of your warm meal. Of course I had to choose the second solution...

For 2 big hamburger loaves :

- 150 gr all purpose flour (for this kind of bread the most white flour the better, in my humble opinion)

- 45 gr water

- 45 gr milk

- 12 gr butter

- 4,5 gr sugar

- 3 gr salt

- 2/3 teaspoon dry yeast.

Let the dry yeast "wake up" in the warm water and a pinch of flour during 5 minutes, then mix all the ingredients and knead for 10 minutes. After what you have to let the dough raise during at least 1 hour (or more depending the temperature room). After that, cut the dough to shape the two breads and put them in little tins (I guess we can do them without a tin but into it we can control better the size of them). Let raise again half a hour or more (they have to double size), and put in the oven for 15 minutes. Don't forget to put a little container with water into the oven in order to create steam, it's to prevent the formation of a thickest crust.

And that's it, all you have to do now is to let the loaves cool down (it's better) and then you can make your very own hamburgers with the ingredients you like !

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