كبخ بلادي



Lipolysis, lipogenesis... Strange names aren't they ?! Both are processes which involve the fatty acids (fat) in our body and actually, these two words are opposite. As a matter of fact, the fat is very useful for humans because it's a source of energy and it can be stored.

The lipogenesis is the process in which the fat and sugar coming from the feeding is stored into our adipose tissue : on the belly, the bottom, the hips, the boobs you name it.

The lipolysis is the opposite process in which the fat (triglycerides) is removed from the stocks in order to be used as energy. Directly used into the muscle cell or used after a transformation into sugar.

What we have to know :

- If you eat too much carbohydrates you're gonna inhibit the lipolysis because the body is able to deal with this overconsumption of sugar. It also means that you don't put on weight only because of the sugar but also because of a limited lipolysis (the decrease of the fat oxidation).

- Some studies show that sugar is mainly stored in muscles and liver. Only after they can suffer a transformation in the liver (lipogenesis de novo) into fat to be stored in the adipose tissue (only 12 gr per day).

- That are the fatty acids (fat) coming from feeding which intervene mainly in the lipogenesis process.

- As a matter of fact the adipose lipogenesis has a very low energetic cost (about 2%) while the hepatic lipogenesis (conversion of the sugar into fat) has a higher cost which is about 25% of the energetic content.

Well, I'm sure that I forgot a lot of things, if you have any questions or doubts, feel free to post them as a comment. Hope you appreciated this post anyway.

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