makes 4 to 5 servings,
Craquelin :
- 50 gr flour
- 45 gr brown sugar
- 35 gr butter
Mix all the ingredients until homogeneous. Then roll out this dough 2 mm thick between two baking paper sheets. Reserve in the freezer.
Choux Paste :
- 100 gr flour
- 165 gr water
- 50 butter
- 2,5 eggs
- 1 level tsp salt
Follow the steps here : click!
Put the choux paste in a pastry bag and pipe it with a 10 or 11 mm tip over an oven tray covered with baking paper. Make 12 cm length éclairs, and abour 3 cm diameter choux...
Remove the craquelin from the freezer and cut small squares and rectangles out of it. Put those peices on the top of each choux.

Place in preheated oven for 25 minutes, then 10 more minutes but with the ajar door. Reserve.

Chiboust Cream :
- 25 cl milk
- 2 yolks
- 35 gr flour
- 25 gr sugar
- 1 vanilla sugar packet (7,5 gr)
- 2 gelatin sheets
For the Italian meringue :
- 2 eggwhites
- 80 gr sugar
Hydrate the gelatin in cold water for about 5 minutes.
Prepare a Pastry cream : mix yolks, sugars and flour in a bowl.
Bring the milk to boil, then pour half of it over the previous mixture. Then pour this last mixture back in the pan. Cook until thick (about 1 minute). Drain the gelatin and put it in the pastry cream, stir until dissolved. Reserve at room temperature.
Prepare the Italian Meringue : put the sugar in a pan with a bit of water and bring it to 121°C. Meanwhile, beat the egg whites until stiff. When the sugar reaches 121°C, pour it over the egg-whites beating constantly. Keep beating until it reaches room temerature.
Fold the Italian meringue into the pastry cream. Reserve in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Puff Pastry :
- 1 puff pastry
I made inverted puff pastry but you can buy it. I'll post the technique soon.
Roll out the dough 2 mm thick, cook it 30 minutes in oven with an aluminum foil over it and beans (or another oven tray, it prevents the dough to rise too much)
Let it cool down then cut it in order to match the size of 2 éclairs...
In the meantime, fill the choux and éclairs with the Chiboust cream. Make a hole with a knife and fill them with the help of a pastry bag and a small tip.
Prepare a caramel : place 150 gr sugar in a pan with a bit of water and cook it until brown. Then plunge the top of each choux. Leave to cool down. Then with a spoon caramelize the bottom of the éclairs and stick them on the puff pastry. Then do the same thing with the choux (when the top isn't hot anymore) sticking them on the top of one of the two éclairs.
Then put Chiboust cream over the other éclairs...
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