كبخ بلادي



For a 22 cm diameter mold,

Financier :
- 2 egg-whites
- 65 gr butter
- 60 gr almond powder
- 40 gr icing sugar
- 20 gr flour

Roast the almonds 10 minutes in the oven and mix them into fine powder. (or you can also buy the almond powder)...

In a saucepan, melt the butter and cook it until it gets brown (in French we say "noisette"), then filter it and leave to cool down.

In a large bowl, blend the sugar, flour, almond powder and egg-whites. Then pour in the melted butter, mix until homogeneous...

Pour the mixture in the mold (buttered and lined with baking paper) and put in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes (medium heat), keep an eye on it in order to prevent it to burn.

Leave it in the mold... Line the mold sides with baking paper (I forgot to do it, but it's preferable)

Peach Compote :
- 500 gr peach flesh (about 5 or 6)
- 1,5 gelatin sheet

Clean, remove the core and peel the peaches and cook them 10 minutes in a pan. Then add the gelatin (hydrated and drained) and pour this mixture in a container smaller than the cheesecake mold (lined with plastic film). Place and reserve in the freezer until set.

Cheecake Cream :
- 350 gr cream cheese (Philadelphia)
- 250 gr ricotta
- 20 cl heavy cream (whipped)
- 40 ml lime juice
- 5 gelatin sheets

for the bomb batter :
- 3 egg-yolks
- 1 whole egg
- 150 gr sugar
- 50 ml water

Press a lime and keep 40 ml juice. Heat it in a pan and then add the gelatin (previously hydrated and drained), stir until well dissolved, reserve.

In a large bowl, beat the ricotta together with the Philadelphia (or any other cream cheese) until smooth, then whip the cream and fold it into the cheese mixture, then add the lime juice with the gelatin. Mix very delicately until homogeneous.

Prepare a bomb batter,

Place the sugar in a saucepan with the water, cook it until it reaches 121°C...

Meanwhile, beat the yolks and the whole egg...

When the sugar syrup reaches the right temperature, pour it over the eggs and beat constantly...

Keep beating until the mixture reaches room temperature...

Fold the bomb batter delicately into the cheese mixture...

Assembly :

Remove the peach compote from the freezer, place it on the financier then pour the cream over it until the top. Put in the fridge several hours, or the night...

When set, you can sprinkle the top with sugar and use a blowtorch to caramelize it (like a creme brulee)...

Prepare the fruit glaze,
- 75 gr water
- 75 gr sugar
- zest of 1/2 lime
- 3 gelatin sheets

Bring to boil the water, zest juice and sugar, then out of heat add the gelatin (previously hydrated and drained), leave to cool down (but don't let it set...)

Remove the cheesecake out of the mold and decorate it with slices of peach and brush it with the fruit glaze... Put back in the fridge until the service... Voilà !

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