كبخ بلادي



We all heard a lot about diets and I guess the most common ones are loss weight diets. But they aren't the only ones. Actually, a diet is not always a loss weight way, in fact that's basically all the rules that organize our feeding (ex : vegan diet, low salt diet, balanced diet, high-protein diet, etc...)
Diets are important for those who practice sports. If you exercise a lot, you probably noticed that you eat more than before. It's normal, body is like a car : the more you drive, the more your car needs gas-oil.
As I already spoke in this blog, the first energy source used by body is the glucose. Glucose is the most basic sugar form (a little molecule). It's one of our muscles fuels and the only one of our brain. We can find this carbohydrate in pasta, rice, potatoes, beans etc... (body needs also fats and proteins).

Body is really well done, and it knows how to store its sugar stocks into the muscles and liver in order to use it later. So, when you go exercise you cut into these stocks. If you do a long time exercise, you'll run out of your inner sugar (after 1h30). Of course, you'll able to continue exercising (remember that body is well done). Actually, body will continue using fats and it will going to transform proteins in sugar (Gluconeogenesis). Obviously, when that's happen, your performances are really reduced, you feel fatigue and it's quite dangerous if your brain suffers a lack of glucose. That's why it's important to eat and drink during your long trains to postpone these effects.

When I say that body is well done, that's because it's really well done... While a car has a tank which contains a fixed quantity of fuel our body is able to increase his inner sugar stocks ! Incredible no ? It's all about overcompensation (if you run out of your sugar stocks, after a due recovery the body will increase these stocks)

Ok, now I can talk about the Dissociated Scandinavian Diet...
This famous diet was created by scandinavian researchers for athletes and is a way to work the overcompensation in order to raise the amount of stored sugar in the muscles just before a big competition. It's based on the dissociation of nutrients and it's made out of 2 steps, the firts is a low carbohydrate period and the second is a high carbohydrate period.
This diet lasts just 6 days :
- the firts 3 days : the athlete must to reduce the part of his carbohydrated food down to 10% (fat : 55% and proteins : 35%). In parallel with this diet modification, the athete must to have an intense training, always in order to run out of his sugar stocks.
- the last 3 days : Now it's time to fill up with carbohydrates (sugar). Athlete must to increase the part of his carbohydrated food, up to 80% ! (fat : 8% and protein : 12%) Of course, the training must be reduced in order to save the sugar saturation.

Some tests showed that this diet allows to multiply by 2 or 3 the amount of sugar contained in muscles.

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