كبخ بلادي


I tried to create a fish parcel recipe yesterday and what a surprise, it was very good !!!
So I did it once again today just to share with you the recipe and some pictures.

Then, we need (for one foil parcel) :
- 1 big fish fillet
- half a red pepper
- half a tomatoe
- half a small onion
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 aluminium foil

For the sauce :
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce (soy sauce is salty. So, adding salt is not necessary)
- ground pepper
- hot pepper
- half teaspoon ground ginger
- half teaspoon curry powder
- half teaspoon paprika
- 1 teaspoon vinager

In an oiled aluminium foil, put the red pepper cut in strips, the tomatoe and the onion in slices. Sprinkle with a bit of salt and ground pepper. Now, lay the fish down on the vegetables and pour the sauce over the fish. Don't forget to put the garlic sliced on this preparation.
It's time to close the foil parcel. It has to be well closed. Put it on a frying pan and cook over a gentle heat during 25 minutes.

Try it and bon appétit !

half red pepper...

tomatoe and onion...

the fish... (I cut the fish in pieces but it's as you want)

the sauce and garlic...

the foil parcel well closed...

25 minutes later... it smells good :)

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