كبخ بلادي


A dessert to celebrate the flavors of the fall, chestnut, pumpkin, cider, nuts...
So, it's an almond dacquoise with chopped hazelnuts, a chestnut cream, a layer of jellied cider, a pumpkin mousse and a pumpkin glazing.

Makes 4 servings,

The Jellied Cidre :
- 170 ml cider
- 30 gr sugar
- 3 gelatin sheets

The day before,
Hydrate the gelatin in cold water for about 5 minutes.
Heat up the cider in a sauce pan with the sugar, when it starts to simmer, add the gelatin out of the heat. Pour in a container lined with plastic film. Try to get a layer 1 cm thick. Reserve in the fridge.

The Almond Dacquoise :
- 2 egg-whites
- 70 gr sugar
- 80 gr ground almond
- chopped and roasted hazelnuts

Beat the egg-whites until stiff, then add the sugar, keep beating until smooth. Fold in delicately the ground almonds and spread this mixture 1 cm thick over an oven tray covered with baking paper. 

Sprinkle with the chopped hazelnuts and put in the preheated oven (medium heat) for 15 to 20 minutes.

Leave to cool down then cut circles out of it with a pastry cutter (actually the molds, 7 cm diameter). Reserve.

The Chestnut Cream :
- 100 gr chestnut jam (recipe here : click!)
- 30 gr softened butter
- 1 tsp rum

Whip the butter. Mix the jam with the rum then add the butter, mix until homogeneous. Reserve.

The Pumpkin Mousse :
- 200 gr pumpkin puree
- 150 gr cream
- zest of 1/2 orange
- 3 gelatin sheets
For the Italian meringue :
- 1 egg-white
- 70 gr sugar
- water

Cook the pumpkin in water (with a pinch of salt) for 15 to 20 minutes. Then mix it finely in a blender. Put it back in the sauce pan and dry it up over gentle heat (the aim of this step is to remove the water in excess). Try to get 250 gr puree because we'll need about 50 gr to make the glaze.

Hydrate the gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes.
Place 200 gr pumpkin puree in a sauce pan, heat it up and when it starts to simmer add the gelatin (out of the heat). Stir until it's dissolved. Leave to cool down.

Keep 50 gr puree (without gelatin) for the glazing.

Prepare the Italian meringue :
Put the sugar in a small sauce pan, barely cover the sugar with water, cook until it reaches 119°C (up to 121°C)...

While you're cooking the sugar, start beating the egg-white until stiff. When the sugar is ready pour it over the egg-white, keep beating constantly until it reaches the room temperature.

Fold delicately the pumpkin puree into the meringue, add the orange zest. Whip the cream until it forms peaks then fold it delicately into the previous mixture.

The Assembly :

Spread a layer of chestnut cream over the circles of dacquoise, then put them in their molds (here 7 cm diameter, 5.5 cm high). Line the molds with plastic film or parchment paper.

Pour a first thin layer of pumpkin mousse...

Remove the jellied cider from the fridge, cut small circle out of it and place them over the first layer of mousse...

Fill to the top with the rest of the mousse, level the top with a spatula. Place in the freezer for the night.

The Glazing :
- 150 gr white chocolate
- 100 gr water (or cream)
- 50 gr pumpkin puree
- 25 gr sugar
- 1,5 gelatin sheet

Hydrate the gelatin in cold water. Put the water (or cream) in a sauce pan with the pumpkin puree and the sugar, heat it up. When warm add the gelatin. Melt the white chocolate and blend it with the previous mixture.
Remove the desserts from the freezer and from their molds 6 hours before the service. Glaze them when still frozen and when the glazing reaches 40°C. Decorate the bottom with praline powder (recipe here : click!) Let them defrost in the fridge until the service.

 Decorate with a caramelized hazelnut on the top.

Inside :

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